Booking Lessons and Checking Availability
To check Bruce's availability please email him at or call him on 07894 834281
Revolutionary New Coaching Technique with Proven Results
Many of our members and visitors had given up on traditional golf coaching. They thought that it was just too late too improve their game. Until that is, they tried this state of the art coaching technique called 'Backward Chaining'.
At Princes Risborough Golf Club we are investing heavily in developing a 'learning culture'. We believe that it is a fundamental part of helping you to enjoy your game even more. We take zero % commission on coaching courses, all of the money goes to the Pro.
Member Pricing for individual coaching is also amazing value at £25 per 1/2 hr or Buy 5 Get One Free
Non Member Pricing is £35 per 1/2 hour or Buy 5 Get One Free
Find out what other people have to say about 'Backward Chaining' coaching at Princes Risborough Golf Club... "...Great Learning. Great Value. Great Investment"
Additionally if you are looking to start and get it right first time - here are 6 Reasons to Take Up Golf...