Thames Valley Air Ambulance - What3Words

Our Ladies have chosen Thames Valley Air Ambulance as their lead charity this year and what a cause!

We asked TV Air Ambulance what their big story was this year and they couldn't have been more clear - "What3Words".

This is a lifesaving APP which you simply download to your phone.  If you get into trouble the What3Words APP will locate you via your phone signal within a 3m x 3m square.  The APP will tell you the name of that square piece of land using 3 words. Simply quote those 3 words to the emergency service and they will find you quickly and easily.  Think of the alternative... "well I'm on the M40, somewhere near... erm… well I think we just passed err...".  Minutes can be the difference between life and death for you or a loved one.  Don't take a chance, max your and their chances of survival with this amazing new APP... 


Click here to see the TV Air Ambulance Video

Click the image below to go their website and download the APP