Dear members,
First, we hope that you, your friends and your family are all well.
We are living through extraordinary and worrying times from a personal and in many cases, a business perspective. For some of our members, being instructed by the Government to isolate themselves in their homes for 12 weeks must be particularly challenging.
Members have fed back loud and clear that they are aching to get back on the course, and unsurprisingly, for a great many it is the camaraderie of meeting friends each week that they are missing the most.
As you know, the Government are rightly mandating social distancing and for us to stay at home for all but essential travel.
When the time is right to loosen these restrictions, England Golf are lobbying hard that golf should be part of phase one. They have already negotiated that we are able to do essential maintenance on the course and they are working hard on a series of social distancing guides to enable clubs to prepare for the journey back to playing the game. Importantly though, in their words, we should expect in the initial stages…
“…requirements for social distancing and adaptations to the usual playing etiquette even after any easing of lockdown.”
With regards to membership fees, insurance companies are making clear to clubs that they are not covered for any lost earnings due to the pandemic, leading to many clubs not offering any compensation to their membership.
There is no doubt that this situation will hit the PRGC finances hard, but with Government support and concessions negotiated with suppliers, we will weather the storm.
And, whilst neither PRGC or the membership are to blame, it is our considered view, and in keeping with our values, that we would like to be one of the clubs that offer a fair compensation.
In short, if you are/ were still in contract, whatever lost golf time / contract value you have suffered since the enforced closure, will be discounted from your next renewal contract. Or, if your contract renewal date fell or falls within the close-down period, we will be in touch when we open again to offer you a new renewal date and any renewal discount due.
We will keep you informed of any new developments but in the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us or call 07866 312770.
Take good care of yourselves.
With the kindest regards,
Gary and Mark Tubb