Golf Lessons

Take Your Game to the Next Level with a Class 'A' Pro

Save between 1 and 3 shots per hole!

Take Golf Lessons at Princes Risborough Golf Club and reignite your passion for learning golf. Probably the greatest  emphasis by amateur golfers is on distance rather than the short game. However, top golfers and coaches agree that this is holding them back.  They conclude that about 70% of your score is decided by how good you are with your short game shots! That's right 70%!! That number alone should motivate golfers to work more on their pitching, chipping and putting skills. However, at Princes Risborough Golf Club we have decided to take matters one stage further.

Learn the 9 'Smart Shots' to a better Scorecard

In conjunction with top coach Bruce Loome we have developed a set of lessons and built a short academy course dedicated to the perfection of what the top pros call the 'Smart Shots'.  Hence these are the 9 shots that top pros spend two thirds of their practice time rehearsing.

Our Short Game Academy Course allows us to coach you in the 9 "Smart Shots" to a better Short Game. Remember that 70% of scorecard improvements are derived from improving your short game. Consider also that Professionals spend two thirds of their practice time on their short game!

Take the course and save between 1 and 3 shots per hole! Click here to find out more.

Discounts for members and e-Player Card holders

Bruce Loome is our Class A PGA Golf Pro.  With over 20 years experience, his goal is to provide the highest possible standard of coaching. He also targets to achieve a one to three shots per hole improvement in your score per hole!

E-Player Card and Members pay just £25 rather than £35 for a 30 minute lesson - click here for details

In conclusion, isn't it time to give your scorecard a boost and reignite your passion for learning? So why not book a lesson with Bruce, simply click here