To all Members:

I trust that you have all enjoyed a Merry Christmas, hopefully, with family and friends both at home and at PRGC. I know that many have taken the opportunity to work off the extra calories consumed and to enjoy the course in the somewhat unusual but very enjoyable recent weather.

With the days already extending there is surely good reason to begin, if not actually planning, at least contemplating the opportunities of a new year and for us that means golf, competition and time spent with like-minded friends.

You know now that there is a full list of competitions on the notice boards and I am sure that you will appreciate the time taken to make sure that you have all the early information that you need to continue to be involved in the activities of our Club. Certainly the participation in recent weeks in the various activities organised by your committee and the Club’s Management has shown that given sufficient time, and some gentle persuasion, the competitive spirit is alive and well. For all who have taken part may I extend my thanks for your positive response and to those who have been, so far, unable to join us please do look at the opportunities to come and find spaces in your busy calendar to support the enthusiasm and commitment that it takes to schedule and organise such a programme.

Our next major event will be The Distinguishables versus The Incorruptibles, March 18th between the Captain’s Team and the Management Team and there will be much indecent haste in the attempts to induce you to represent one or other of the teams. It would be indelicate of me at this time to promote the many reasons why you might choose the Captain’s Team and so I will leave it to you to recognise the value and prestige of being associated with such an august body.

Throughout the coming season there will be both home and inter-club competitions that need the dedication and commitment of Members that is necessary if we are to raise the flag of PRGC over the winners’ enclosure. Lists asking you to submit your details will be forthcoming but don’t feel that you have to wait to be included; a simple direct approach to any of your Committee Members is all that it takes to earn my undying gratitude.

I am still in the early stages of my year as your Captain and perhaps there is much for me to learn but with the help of your Committee and the goodwill of all that I have the privilege to play alongside I have already had time to see that, for me, this will be a year of achievement and fun: I hope that it will be the same for each and every Member.

I have no other qualification for my role than a determination to represent you in the best way of which I am capable. Tell me what you need; I may not always be able to provide it but I will always welcome the chance to talk with you.

My sincere thanks and best wishes for a Happy New Year

Brian  Fowler

Club Captain: 2016-7