Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I cannot or do not want to pay by electronic bank transfer or standing order - how else can I pay?
    Answer: We only accept monthly and quarterly payments by standing order with a clear name reference.  If you wish to make a lump sum annual payment our strongly preferred method of payment is by an electronic bank transfer with a  clear name reference.  This is in accordance with Government guidance.  We also accept a debit card payment or a cheque.
  2. Why is the name reference so important on the bank transfers and standing orders?
    Answer: We need a name reference on standing orders and bank transfers so that we can quickly associate your payment with your application form
  3. If I want to pay for the locker and I am paying monthly by standing order how do I best do this?
    Answer: Paying for lockers on renewal - Option 1. make your first payment the correct monthly amount plus the locker amount and then set up a standing order for the ongoing monthly payment or Option 2. set up your standing order for the correct monthly amount from month one and make a separate bank transfer for the locker. The most important thing is to ensure that you clearly reference your name on the bank transfer. The bank always lets you do this with a simple reference box.
  4. Paper forms have a signature on them? How do I digitally sign this electronic application form?
    Answer: When you send your application form,  we will accept this as your electronic signature confirmation that you wish to proceed with the contract. Your membership becomes valid when you have made your payment.
  5. How do you store my information?
    Answer: We follow strict legal GDPR data protection rules and do not share your information with anybody else
  6. What about financial information?
    Answer: we do not ask for any financial information from you other than how you wish to pay. There is no customer financial information stored anywhere on our website.
  7. If I have any questions who do I speak to?
    Answer: Any questions? you can either contact us, call Gary on 07866 312770 or use the message box on the digital application form.