Application Form for Renewing Members

Thank you

  1. Please complete the Application Form and hit 'Send'
  2. We ask that you make separate payments for your £20.50 Annual Affiliation Fees - these do not incur VAT and are directly passed through to England Golf and the Golfing Union for Bucks
  3. Once payment is received, we will update your e-Membership Card for the new year (the link to your card will remain the same)
Prince Risborough Golf Club
All prices inclusive of VAT, admin charges, affiliation fees and insurance.
Please remember to pay the £20.50 Affiliation Fee separately. Please pay by bank transfer or standing order, clearly referencing your name. All bank transfers and standing orders to PRGolfClub.Com Ltd, Lloyds Bank 30-14-71 A/C 16881168, Cheques to PRGolfClub.Com Ltd. Thank you.