Club Championships 28-29th Sept – Sign Up for the Big Weekend!!

This is your reminder that on the weekend of 28th & 29th of September we are playing the Club Championship. I enclose a further copy of the calling notice..
If you have not already advised me that you wish to play in this event you need to email me at:
Also you must pay your £10 entrance fee online to:
Princes Risborough Golf Club Members Account
Lloyds Bank
As a further reminder there are three events being played for:
The Barcilon Cup
The Mens Handicap Championship
The Ladies Champion Golfer
Please register with me on or before TUESDAY 24th September.
Finally, on Saturday 5th October we have our special end of year team event, THE RYDERHEIM CUP and I will be sending out particular details of this in the next few days.
Thanks for your support,
Kind Regards
01494 562862
Mobile: 07807 776461

RAGS – Spring Resort – Now there’s a winning smile!!!

Fellow RAGS,

The Springs Resort and Golf Club proved to be an excellent venue for our last RAGS outing this season and, although rain threatened, it remained dry and pleasantly warm.

The course was in excellent condition and although long, it is flat so wasn’t unduly tiring. I don’t think I’ve ever seen more bunkers on a golf course but it also contained some delightful water features.

Interestingly, there was a pattern throughout the 20 players who participated in that everyone did much better in the first half but obviously suffered mental fatigue in the back nine when scores were markedly different in most cases.  We lads are going to have to sharpen our game if we are going to redeem an element of pride.  The trophy at present depicts a male golfer and I’m wondering if we should supplement it (or even supplant it) with a female one given the results at Hennerton and yesterday!!

Now to the results under the one prize rule:

Overall winner – Arlinda Chaplin (42 pts) £15 plus trophy
Runner-up – Val Dexter (34 pts)  £10
Best front 9 – Val Bate (21 pts) £10
Best back 9 – Mark Richards (15 pts) £10
Nearest the pin – Barry Woledge £10
Longest drive (L) – Sue Pomeroy £10
Longest drive (M) – Adam Zaziemski £10

With thanks to our resident photographer, Mike Smith, I’m attaching photographs of the winners - RAGS Spring Resort 2024

There seems to be a strong appetite for playing other courses so I hope to find more interesting venues for RAGS next year. Meanwhile, thank you to all who participated this year in the spirit of fun and friendship which defines RAGS.

During the winter I shall be reducing the circulation. RAGS has been going for 4 years now and we have over 100 players who registered as being interested in playing different courses in the area and who requested to be on the circulation but approximately half have never played or responded to any of the invitations.  I understand circumstances might have prevented it but I don’t want to bombard people with emails if there is no further interest so if you don’t receive further notices of RAGS outings but still interested in joining us, please let me know and I’ll be pleased to reinstate you on the circulation.

Best wishes,

Tel: 07774 203 193

Men’s Away Day 2025 – Get your names down…

Men's Away Trip 2025 - Save the Dates 6th,7th,8th May 2025

Following on from this year's successful trip to Staverton Hotel & Golf Club, I have chosen a different place for next year, which I am assured will be another great venue.
The address is:- Draycote Hotel & Whitefield's Golf Club, London Rd., Thurlaston, Warwicks. CV23 9LF
The format will be very similar with a competition on each day and prizes given/won accordingly.
The cost is similar to this year's costings for accommodation and food, as follows:-
The two night package for Dinner, Bed & Breakfast, with three rounds of 18 hole golf is £ 253.00 per person, based on two guests sharing a twin room. Single room occupancy fee is £20.00 per person per night, ie. an extra £40.00 making the total cost £293.00 per person. (slightly cheaper)
Buggies are available at £25.00 each per weekday. (cheaper than this year!)
Tee times provisionally booked are 12 noon on the 6th, and then 10.36 on the other two days.
I have provisionally booked for 24 players again and although it is a long time forward, these places do get booked up early. Thus to secure your place on the trip, the hotel is requesting a £25.00 deposit per person , non-refundable.
The minimum number for the trip is twelve, but obviously we can take more than twenty-four, which would be superb.
So in the first instance please send both a confirmatory email to me & then £25.00 to:-
C R & Mrs. M A Pooley
account number 31955770, sort code  60-17-32  NatWest Bank. I will then send all the deposits in one tranche to the hotel.
I hope this is all clear and I look forward to hearing from you all shortly.
With kind regards
Club Captain.
mob. 07785 996511
land. 01494 269615

Captains Update

PR GC  -  Captains Mid August Message 2024

Hello All,

A very big warm welcome to all new members, and especially those arriving from other clubs!

As once again the Autumnal months get nearer, I shall begin with Future Events.

Friday 13th September 2024 - Charity Bingo Night with Buffet, ticket prices £15.00 per head to include hot buffet and six bingo games. Further cash bingo cards to be paid for on the night. Purchase drinks from the bar and please book in advance with Sarah or bar staff. This event will be run on behalf of my charity "On Course Foundation" and the Lady Captains charity "MND".

September sees the usual programme of monthly competitions, including the Monthly Club Stableford on the 7th, mixed match away at Weston Turville GC, Seniors Monthly Medal, Seniors match away at Chartridge Park GC, CBL at home vs Hazelmere GC, Seniors match vs Chartridge Park GC at home, the Mixed Club Friday Stableford, and last but not least our Club Championship - The Barcilon Cup over two days on 28th and 29th September. Further details of all these are available on the notice boards in the Mens changing room, and also from myself, Al Bowyer, John White (Friday mixed), Jill Peppett (mixed away match), Steve Sargeant (CBL), David Orford (Seniors Capt.)

Furthermore, WAGs, Wednesday Afternoon Golf society will continue to run with Dave Mackenzie in charge - this week is the Black Flag competition, with its own mini competition on the 9th!!!   Normally around twenty members play from 4.00 pm onwards but more always welcome.

We also have a RAGs (Risborough Away Golf society) day out, run by John Stephenson, which is at The Springs GC on Monday the 2nd September. Again contact John for more information.

Thus you can see there is a full programme of events and competitions.

Coaching - Bruce Loome is available to help with all your "golfing problems" - please contact Bruce directly for lessons, grip replacements, club purchase, and any other golf related issues on learning and improving our game.

Club Shop - Luke Viney will be happy to sell you any golf related gear from towels, to gloves, balls, tees, and of course the new lightweight Summer polo shirts.

Use of mobile phones for scoring!  - Luke is also able to assist those that want to learn about using MyEngGolf or HDidIdo for inputting their scores as they go round the course. Now this is quite an emotive subject (I have even been called a Luddite!) as it is not so long ago that all phones were banned from golf courses. However, we move on and now it appears that EG are encouraging this practice. I am happy for others to try this out, but I would STRESS that all phones should still be kept on "silent" for the whole round (apart from medical emergencies!).  {nobody wants to hear what you might be having for supper or when to pick up the Grandkids!!}

Results. Some of these have already been published, but for those that have not seen them, here we go:-

July 5th. Friday Mixed Stableford won by Mike Smith with 38 points.

July 9th. Seniors Medal - White tees, won by John Rye with a nett 67, Gold won by Bob Carter also with a nett 67.

July 19th. Fowler Bowl won by Mark Collins with 41 points and the Mixed stableford by Christine Stevens with 40 points.

July 20th. Mens stableford was won by Nathan Barrington with 42 points.

July 27th. Mens July Medal - Div. one won by Alan Jackson with a nett 65 and Div. two won by Andy Hall with a nett 71.

August 3rd. Mens August stableford won by Mark Stinchcombe with 41 points.

August 10th. Captains Day and Captains Trophy won by Alan Jackson with 42 points.

August 13th. Seniors Medal White tees, won by Meron Jacyna with a nett 65, and Gold tees won by Mike Sainsbury with a nett 68.

August 16th. Mixed Monthly stableford won by Mark Collins with 37 points.

August 17th. Mens Summer Pairs, won by Mark Collins & Tony Taylor with 45 points.

Well done to all these winners.

Around the Club. Shortly we will be saying "adieu" to our club Secretay John Rye, who will be moving to Lancashire and I would just put on record that John has done a great job in keeping our committee meetings in order and focused with superb minutes. Many thanks John. Play well at your new club.

Obviously we needed to fill this vacancy and I am pleased to report that Mark Collins has volunteered to take on this roll. Mark is a fairly new member of the club, but has thrown himself into all the competitions and events, and I am delighted he is so keen to assist.

As always, a big "thank you" to the all the staff that keep our club going on a day to day basis; the Greenkeepers, the Bar staff, and the Caterers. We appreciate all your hard work.

Etiquette. I think most players/members have got the message about raking bunkers, replacing divots and repairing pitch marks, but it doesn't hurt to remind everyone.  Also, should your ball fly off the fifth tee, for example, and land on the sixth fairway, it is up to the players in front of you to allow you to play your ball before they play, or not, if they are about to tee off!

Dress code should be collared shirt, tucked in, (not tee shirt) and golf shorts or trousers (not jeans).

I noticed two new directional course signs yesterday, so I believe the rest will be following shortly!

My grateful thanks to Roger Meakes, who having installed the Captains Charity Box near the bunker on the 9th/18th, some years ago, managed to get it open (the key was missing) and this produced a sum of over £148.00 for the "On Course Foundation" charity. Thank you to all who contributed, even those who donated 5 Euros, an Aussie 5 cents, a USA quarter, and a car park token!!

Mens Away Trip. I have provisionally booked the 6th, 7th and 8th May 2025 at the Draycott Hotel & Whitefields GC and more details will follow shortly.

Finally, please support the Charity Bingo Night on the 13th September, enjoy your golfing experience and play well.

Thanks for reading.

Dick Pooley, Club Captain.

mob. 07785 996511, land 01494 269615, email. ""

  1. I am away from 30th August till 12th September and will probably be out of wifi range.

Club Calendar – September and October 2024

Good morning, Gentlemen,

Please find attached September and October 2024 Club Calendar, a copy of which will be placed on the notice board. As normal for this time of the year there is a lot going on!

In this connection I attach the calling notices for the September Monthly Club Competitions, copies of which will also be placed on the notice board in the changing room.

NOTE: For the CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP being played over the weekend of Saturday and Sunday 28th & 29thSeptember, AND the RYDERHEIM CUP on 5th October, I will be issuing separate calling notices, so please look out for these.

Just to reiterate my normal reminder, all members who have the requisite number of previously registered rounds and a formal handicap, are entitled to play in the club competitions,



As usual, simply form your own groups for this event on the day



All Seniors are entitled to enter this competition at any time during the day.

Please note this a White Tee competition for all Seniors who are under 75. For those of you who are over 75, you can opt to play from the Gold Tees.

Please contact Steve Williams direct at  with any related queries.



You can enter this competition at any time during the day.

Please contact John White at:  with any related queries.

And don’t forget the CHARITY BINGO NIGHT being held on Friday 13th September details of which are attached.

Many thanks for your support

Kind Regards


01494 562862

Mobile: 07807 776461

Charity Bingo Night Friday Sept 13th 2024

Dear All,
On behalf of Dick Pooley and Sue Pomeroy I am pleased to announce a fundraising event for their Charities which, as a reminder, are the “On Course Foundation” and the MND Society.
The event is a Charity Bingo Night which originally planned for 23rd August, will now take place on Friday 13th September 2024.
In this connection, please find attached the poster.
Please bring along your friends and family to what should be a fun event.
Register with Sarah at the club OR order your tickets through Dick Pooley, Sue Pomeroy or Liz France, and pay for your tickets at the time of ordering.
The cost is £15 per head which includes a hot buffet and your first set of 6 bingo tickets.
We hope you are able to support this fund raising event.

Bruce raises £230 for ‘On Course Foundation’

Bruce receiving a massive thank you from Dick for raising £230 for the 'On-Course Foundation' with his "Beat the Pro" challenge.

On Course Foundation | Veterans Charity | Richmond, UK

Our Vision

As the UK's only golf specific military charity, we hope to use the game of golf as a vehicle for successful recovery with all of our beneficiaries.

Why Golf?
Golf occupies a unique position as one of the few sports where participants of all skills and physical abilities can play together on a level playing field, owing to the official handicap system. It offers wounded veterans not only a sporting challenge, but for those leaving Service, an array of attractive career opportunities.

The benefits of playing golf offer a key part in physical rehabilitation, improving both balance and limb coordination. Camaraderie, competitive spirit and concentration are important too, supporting the psychological recovery of our beneficiaries and helping them find confidence within themselves. Many Service personnel face the daunting challenge of finding employment after leaving the military, something we hope to help them overcome.

An Olympic themed Captain’s Day – no gold medals for singing this year…

Morning All

There was some similarity between the Closing Ceremony in Paris last night and the "Closing Ceremony" in Saunderton Lee on Saturday night!!!
They were both musical - but that's where the similarity probably ended!
Anyway, more importantly, I need to put on record my thanks to ALL those that made Saturday such a success.
Sarah, Nat, and Mia and front of house, Bruce for giving up his time and money on "Beat the Pro", All the Greenkeepers for producing a great course, Barry & Al for sorting out all the scoring ably assisted by Steve Williams, Viv and Christine in the drinks buggy, and our very own Crooner,  Adam, with his Son Joe & partner Becky, and of course All of you players and supporters.
Also, to All the donors of raffle prizes, which meant a superb amount was raised for my "On Course Foundation" charity.
Overall Mens Winner and Captains Trophy - Al Jackson with 42 points.
Runner up  (on count back)                            Dan Viney with 41 points.
Third  (on count back)                                     Glenn Shelton with 41 points.
The Team Winners were:-  Alastair Wardrop, Phil Sloan, Neil Martin & Glenn Shelton with 126 points - Gold Medals
Runners Up (on count back):- Pete Smith, Mike Stevens, Dave Mackenzie & Al Jackson with 120 points - Silver Medals
Third  (on count back):-  Luke Viney, Dan Viney, Tom Graziano & Steve Williams with 120 points - Bronze Medals.
The Best Dressed Team (adjudicated by independent judges)  was "The Italian Job"  aka "The Self Preservation Society", ie. Barry Woledge, Steve Sargeant, Andy Hall & Adam Budd.  {Olympic theme - Well done to all those teams that dressed up}
The winning Ladies Team was:- Caroline Johnston, Carolyn Dowle, Fiona Coogan & Sue Pomeroy.
Nearest the Pin on the 3rd was Alastair Wardrop.
Nearest the Tree on the 11th was Bob Broadley (on the one prize only rule)
Financially, a big "Thank You" to all who bought raffle tickets and this raised  £320.00
Beat the Pro  - raised  £230.00 and only three players were on the green and beating Bruce.
Thus, I believe a great day was had by all.
Once the music began with Adam in charge of proceedings, there were any number of popular renditions of well known hits; some performed with more gusto than others!!!???????????????????????????????????? with a bit of dancing????????
The evening carried on for some merry hours and I believe some younger members even went on to a local hostelry.
Once again my thanks to everyone who made it such a memorable day.
Best regards